A credit card number is required to hold your tee times. The card will not be charged at time of submitting this contract.
Special Events (check all that apply)
If unsure of price, please contact Matt Nylen prior to completing this form.
Select All Applicable Boxes:
If you require meals at our on-site restaurant, please specify below. Our Food and Beverage Manager will be in contact with you within 5 business days to further discuss your restaurant requirements.
All ProShop fees must be paid at the ProShop on the day of the event unless otherwise agreed upon. Any restaurant, 10th hole booth and/or beverage cart fees incurred will be invoiced within 5 business days and payment is due on receipt of invoice. Please note that there are no personal coolers or personal alcoholic beverages allowed on the course.
Please note that this contract must be filled out in completion and submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of your event. Failure to do this may result in a loss of reserved tee times and opened for public bookings.
Thank you for your support and choosing to host your tournament at the Clear Lake Golf Course!